Today In case you didn't know would be the great Vincent Prices 100th Birthday.The Vincentennial as many have called it. So in honor of the worlds greatest actor of all time, I have narrowed down my top 10 all time Favorite Vincent Price movie`s. When I made this list I must say it was very difficult because there are just so many good movie`s of his and then there are still a few of his movie`s I have yet to get my hands on such as Cry Of The Banshee and the 1962 version of Tower Of London. Well with that all aside here are my current top 10 favorite Vincent Price Movie`s starting at number ten:
10.THE RAVEN: This was another great Roger Corman Comedy/Horror movie. That not exaggerating one bit had me head over heels laughing my head off at all the wonderful, original, and witty humor that was thrown into this movie. Not only that but its a truly great unique adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe`s The Raven. I mean who knew that Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Jack Nicholson, and Boris Karloff could be so funny together!
9. THE FLY (1958): This movie really surprised me the first time I watched it, because unlike what I had expected Vincent Price does not actually play The Fly, instead he is the Fly`s brother. But trust me this does not make the movie any less awesome! Price still puts on a amazing performance, in a movie that is just a true piece of art in the whole Monster and Mad Scientist subgenre.

8.The Abominable Doctor Phibes (1971): When I saw this for the very first time I kid you not, it Scared the living crap out of me! Prices performance in this movie is stellar and by far his best movie from the 70s that I`ve seen. But also just the way he goes about killing all these people for revenge was just flat out frightening! I guarantee you this is a movie you will probably never forget.
7. The Pit and The Pendulum (1961): I watched this Phenomenal movie from beginning to end completely mesmerized at its pure greatest. Vincent Prices performance is just demented yet at the same time strangely sympathetic. Prices performance mixed with the amazing way it was directed makes this movie a complete masterpiece.

6. TALES OF TERROR (1962): Even though i`m not crazy about the whole "Anthology" subgenre, I really loved this one. Especially how it adapted one of my favourite Edgar Allan Poe story`s The Cask Of Amontillado and combined its story line with another great Poe story The Black Cat which despite some scepticism turned out crazy good! Though most likely that's because both story`s have very similar themes. Anyways it adapted the story perfectly with Vincent Price and Peter Lorre playing the main roles. Then the other segments in this movie aren`t bad either like the Third segment was an adaptation of Poe`s story The Facts In The Case Of M.Valdemar which had Price star as Valdemar and then it had great Basil Rathbone costar in it.

5. THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH (1964): Without a doubt one of my favourite Edgar Allan Poe based movie`s of all time! It not only perfectly adapts Masque Of The Red Death onto the screen but geniusly incorporates Poes demented story Hop-Frog into the movie, and it just really works well with the whole movie, in fact I would say it made the movie even better. Then Prices performance, the gloomy yet bright colours, and the whole satirical view of human desperation make it a perfect Poe based movie, as well as one of Prices best films of all time.

4. THE LAST MAN ON EARTH (1960): I remember watched this movie for the first time on a rather big screen at my aunt and uncles house late at night and I was just truly blown away by it. This movie brings just an appropriate, perfect creepy atmosphere for a movie like this. Then Price puts so much sympathy and emotion into his role that it makes it something completely on its own.(this movie is also superior in ever way to that crappy 07 big budget remake "I Am Legend")
3. House Of Wax (1953): Now This movie is quite famous for a variety of reasons such as it officially established Price as one of the new Icons of Horror;a title previously worn by the likes of Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi. And then just the way the movie presents itself in such ways as its brilliant use of Make Up, its one of a kind Art Direction, and then the way its written just make it a fabulous highly impacting movie.

2. WITCHFINDER GENERAL (1968): No matter how many times I watch this movie it never gets old or loses its touch. Also i`ll never forget the first time I watched this late one night when I was home alone and how I was just absolutely taken aback by the stunning performances, the terrifying story, and the pure horror atmosphere this movie had. Prices character in this movie is a bit different in this movie because in this he is just completely evil, without any sympathetic traits what so ever, just pure frightening evil.
(then the movies title was changed to The Conqueror Worm just to cash off the popular Poe based movies, even though this movie has nothing to do with the poem by Edgar Allan Poe)

1. HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL (1959): Yes, this movie by far is my most favourite and beloved Vincent Price movie all time! For a variety of reasons though, first off it was my very first horror movie of Vincent Prices that i`d ever seen and trust me it left a HUGE impact and influence on me. Second the performance Price puts on is just classic, he truly just makes his character Fredrick Loren a all around sympathetic, sinister, and yet frightening character like no one else could ever do.Finally the third reason toward my love foe this movie is because of the movies ending. It just had an awesome, unpredictable, and classic ending that could not have been better! Though overall this movie is just an one of a kind, unforgettable horror film.
There you have it, my current top 10 all time favorite Vincent Price movie`s, which I made in honour of this amazing actors 100th Birthday.
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